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Many veterans, including their spouse/widow and children do not know how to obtain veterans military records. At any rate, it is sometimes difficult. In most cases they can be found.Veterans who apply for VA claims for disability need various records. This also applies to widows and children of veterans applying for DIC (Dependence Indemnity Compensation). This is especially necessary for Agent Orange presumptive exposure. AO is the most complicated of all VA claims.The first item of business in submitting a VA claim is to obtain a VA claims form packet. Either call or download VA claim forms. Submit those claim forms to the VA. This gets you into the system as a registrant for disability or DIC.Evidence of service: DD-214. For AO exposure the VSM (Vietnam Service Medal) awarded, proof of.Important: On all evidence submitted be sure to include SS#.Other needed evidence: Record of duty station/s as related to Vietnam service, land, air or sea.. In the case of US Navy, deck logs of ship/s served on in Vietnam waters.
Medical records, civilian and or military that may be related to AO diseases being claimed for veterans disability or DIC.Other sources of evidence: If able to locate veterans who served with the claimant. Acquire their sworn testimonial (notarized) attesting to possible AO exposure, land air or sea. The attester must provide his or hers full name, address phone number and service number on the testimonial. All evidence submitted must show the claimants SS#.It is advised to seek help from a VSO (Veterans Service Organization). These organizations can help with VA claims and help with evidence.
List of VSO’s: Vietnam Veterans of America 1-800-882-1316
American Legion 1-202-861-2700
AmVets 1-877-726-8387
Disabled American Veterans 1-877-426-2838
Veterans of Foreign Wars 1-816-756-3390Other sources for locating military records: download Military Standard Form (SF-180) for all branches of military, send to:
National Personnel Records Center
1 archives Drive, St. Louis, Mo. 63138
More sources:For Navy and Marines and Fleet Marines: Deck Logs: & possible duty stations.Archives 2 Reference Section
National Archives
Attn: Assistant Chief Archives 2
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, Md. 20740-6001Ph# 301-837-3519 E-mail: mailto.archives2reference@nara.govFor Army: (Standard Form SF-180 needed)Ph# 1-888-276-9472 E-mail:
Or for SF-180For Service Medals: (attach copy of DD-214 to letter of request)Army reserve personnel center, attn: DARP-PAS-EAW, 9700 Page Blvd, St. Louis, Mo. 63132Air Force Ref. branch NCPMF, 9700 Page Blvd.. St. Louis, Mo. 63132Navy, Marines, Coast Guard: Navy personnel command, 9700 Page Blvd., 63123Important: Make copies of all records and or requests.Political Help: Contact your District US Member of Congress and US member of Senate.
It is their job to assist you. For veterans VA claims and or DIC.Note: Some States offer tax relief for widows of veterans who have been awarded VA disability. Check with your State and District State member of Congress for information and assistance. Usually the deceased veteran had to of been VA declared 100%. Check anyway, all States have different laws.This information page is submitted by; John J. Bury, US Navy, retired, Vietnam War veteran and member of COVVHACOVVHA
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