21 Eylül 2012 Cuma

New Proof: GMOs Cause Tumors, Organ Damage, and Premature Death in Rats

The first long-term study shows the devastating effects of Roundup herbicide and genetically modified maize.

If you've ever wondered if the concern over GMOs is just hype, you've now got your answer.A new study shows that Monsanto's Roundup herbicide and genetically modified maize cause tumors and organ damage in rats.The French study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, details an experiment in which rats were fed a diet containing NK603 (a seed variety that has been modified to withstand application of the herbicide Roundup) or were given water containing Roundup "at levels permitted in the United States," reports Reuters.The results? Rats in the study died earlier than rats on standard diets. Of the Roundup group, half of the male and 70 percent of the female rats died prematurely. By comparison, among rats with normal diets, 30 percent of males and 20 percent of females died prematurely. The Roundup rats also experienced mammary tumors and liver and kidney damage. Monsanto/Dow is EVIL- Jump

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