27 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

Stayin' Alive

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A very busy spring so far, with my youngest graduating from high school (with tons of honors and awards - congrats Jen!).  Also I played in the pit for GMHS' production of Grease, and we had a crazy busy second quarter at work.  I'm also getting into Wedding and Senior photography season in Erie.
My challenge 8 months into this, is keeping the healthy aspects of my post MCI life going strong.  I'm 100% compliant with the medicine and trying to keep up with the fitness, but some fatigue still remains from my Tricor/Simvastatin inner battle.  I'm hoping it works itself out.

Diet-wise, I'm still getting a lot of fiber and flora.  I do occasionally have a bit of fried food or a steak, but I'm doing pretty good there.  We joined a farm cooperative - Wild Winds Farm out in the Harborcreek area, and we are already starting to receive lots of organic produce, which will continue each week into the fall. They include some recipe ideas, which will help us use the new items creatively.  We also put in some peas, cukes and green peppers in our tiny 32' garden.
I'm also thinking of getting a road bike and riding to work when I don't have events after work.  That will be exciting, and keep my fitness going.
So no news is good news I guess.  I haven't made it back to my Cardiologist but my PCP is working with me on medications and such.
A reminder to all you dads out there:  Next weekend is Father's Day.  Schedule a checkup so you will be around for many more of them!

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