18 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi

BioFreeze fom 911Healthshop.com

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Consumer: Back Pain Sufferers or Joint Pain Sufferers

The purpose of BioFreeze is to temporarily relieve pain

Pros: I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of Biofreeze. It actually works to relieve back pain as well as joint pain. BioFreeze was created by created by Dr. Danné King.

BioFreeze contains an herbal extract from a South American holly shrub called Ilex. Ilex is used around the world in a variety of health, wellness and pain relief formulas. There are no waxes, oils, aloe or petroleum in Biofreeze. It absorbs quickly into the body and provides very long-lasting pain relief. There is no lingering medicinal odor.

It is safe to use BioFreeze up to four times everyday but when BioFreeze is rubbed onto the aching places any wrap that is used should be very porous.

You will see Biofreeze used often in doctor’s offices and at treatment and testing facilities. Biofreeze is a fast-acting, deep penetrating, long lasting pain reliever.

Cons: There appears to be very little risk in trying BioFreeze. The product can be used not just on the back, but almost anywhere - even the feet.

Guarantee: There is a 30 day money back guarantee for unopened products. The company must be contacted before returns are sent.

Value for money: BioFreeze is an excellent value at any price because it actually works.

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