27 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

6 Months After Flatline

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"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."
-- Mark Twain

It's 6 months since the amazing crew at Affinity Hospital in
Massillon Ohio put life back into me.

It seems like regular life came back pretty quickly,
and the time has just zipped by.

Have I changed my lifestyle? I can say yes:
- I take all my meds every day
- I'm eating better - no chicken wings and very little fried food.
Lots of flora.
- I see my doctors on a regular basis
- I'm getting a lot of exercise

This week marked my first week of more than 20 miles running.
I'm hitting the gym 3-4 times each week on average, and mixing
aerobic and weight training.

Tomorrow I start on Tricor, a medication designed to
reduce triglycerides. It has some interaction with the
Simvastatin (Zocor), so I have to be careful.

We'll let you know how that goes.

I can still do better. My weight is a bit high.
But I hope that I can continue to reduce my cholesterol
and improve my fitness and health.

I'm glad that I'm still around. I want to see my youngest
graduate this year, and I have a TON of photography work
lined up this summer.

If feels good to be 6 months old!

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