30 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No...

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Happy 2011 Thanksgiving Sales & Bestselling Save on Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No... & Free Shipping. What Is The Best Brand Of Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No... Bestdeals

Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No...

Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No...

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A: Cheapest Place to buy Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No... Lowest Price and Free Shipping in store.

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(Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC

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Buy Cheap (Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC Black Friday Review

Happy 2011 Black Friday Sales & Discount Price on (Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC & Free Shipping. Cheapest Place to Buy (Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC Lowes price

(Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC

Product Brand : AMS

(Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC

Looking for the Cheapest Price (Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC Now is it?. Best Buy Thanksgiving Sale 2011 & Black Friday Sales.

(Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC Features

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(Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC Overviews

Easy viewing of sample fill ensures accurate results. Uses only 0.6 microliters of blood. Custom shape for easy handling. 6-month open shelf life. For use with Ascensia ® Contour ™ meter.

==>> CLICK for (Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC Free Shipping and Special Price<<==

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Johnny's Report Card

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Well my lab results of my Lipid Profile are back. Here's what they say:

Lipid panel:
cholesterol, total 173 mg/dl <200 (GOOD!)
HDL cholesterol 37 mg/dl >39 (CLOSE!)
cholesterol/hdl ratio 4.68 <5.00 (GOOD!)
LDL cholesterol, calculated (can not be calculated when the
triglyceride exceeds 400 mg/dl).
triglyceride 712 mg/dl <150>(BAD!)

So, my overall cholesterol is well within the recommended limits. My "good" HDL is close to the recommended minimum of 39, but my Triglycerides are very high.

The National Cholesterol Education Program guidelines for triglycerides are:
  • Normal Less than 150 mg/dL
  • Borderline-high 150 to 199 mg/dL
  • High 200 to 499 mg/dL
  • Very high 500 mg/dL or higher
  • These are based on fasting plasma triglyceride levels (I was fasting for 12 hrs).

Current recommendations are to keep the triglycerides well below
500mg/dL, and low enough to reduce your VLDL to safe levels. Your VLDL
level is considered safe if it plus your LDL level are no higher
together than 130mg/dL. Doctors do not routinely measure VLDL, but if
you subtract your HDL cholesterol from your total cholesterol, you can
get the LDL plus VLDL sum.

So in my case, total cholesterol less HDL is (173-37) or 136. So I'm close on total VLDL+LDL, but the Tri's are way out of the safe range.

Triglyceride levels are very sensitive to diet, exercise, and health habits. It is common to have high triglycerides if you are overweight, if you are physically inactive, if you drink alcohol or smoke, or if you consume a high-fat and high-carbohydrate diet, particularly if your carbohydrates are not whole-grain foods. Triglycerides are also elevated in people with diabetes, kidney disease, thyroid disease, and certain inherited cholesterol problems. High triglycerides are one sign of the metabolic syndrome, a collection of health risks that indicate a very high risk of heart disease. It is important for you to be tested for diabetes and to have your blood pressure evaluated, because these are other features of the metabolic syndrome.

It is possible to substantially improve triglycerides by increasing your exercise and sharply cutting the amount of saturated fat and rapidly absorbed carbohydrates (processed flours or simple sugars, including milk sugar) in the diet. You should substitute whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables, skim milk and reduced-fat foods wherever possible. Medications are also available to lower triglycerides, including statins, gemfibrozil (Lopid), fenofibrate (Tricor), niacin, and omega-3 fatty acids.

In the last post I mentioned the recommendations for lowering Triglycerides.

In my case, I'm eating pretty well, getting 3-5 intense workouts each week, taking Omega-3 fish oil caplets (yuk), and tearing up the produce department. So I think I have two causes left:

1. I have a hereditary disposition to high Triglycerides
2. I need to cut back or eliminate alcohol

I have an appointment with my PCP this week. We'll see what he says about all of this.

Stayin' Alive

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A very busy spring so far, with my youngest graduating from high school (with tons of honors and awards - congrats Jen!).  Also I played in the pit for GMHS' production of Grease, and we had a crazy busy second quarter at work.  I'm also getting into Wedding and Senior photography season in Erie.
My challenge 8 months into this, is keeping the healthy aspects of my post MCI life going strong.  I'm 100% compliant with the medicine and trying to keep up with the fitness, but some fatigue still remains from my Tricor/Simvastatin inner battle.  I'm hoping it works itself out.

Diet-wise, I'm still getting a lot of fiber and flora.  I do occasionally have a bit of fried food or a steak, but I'm doing pretty good there.  We joined a farm cooperative - Wild Winds Farm out in the Harborcreek area, and we are already starting to receive lots of organic produce, which will continue each week into the fall. They include some recipe ideas, which will help us use the new items creatively.  We also put in some peas, cukes and green peppers in our tiny 32' garden.
I'm also thinking of getting a road bike and riding to work when I don't have events after work.  That will be exciting, and keep my fitness going.
So no news is good news I guess.  I haven't made it back to my Cardiologist but my PCP is working with me on medications and such.
A reminder to all you dads out there:  Next weekend is Father's Day.  Schedule a checkup so you will be around for many more of them!

Still, Stayin' Alive

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It's been a bit since I posted on the heart blog.  I've been crazy busy at work and with my photography business.

I have been staying on my medicine and extras (Omega 3 and 6 supplements).  We'll see how my September blood work turns out.

I have hit the gym 2-3 days per week all year.  It's a bit lighter now, but hopefully I can keep it up.  I really need to burn some more calories or cut back on the intake to lower the body weight.

So dear readers, try to eat right, get a lot of exercise, and keep taking your medicine.  And if you haven't been in for a checkup in the last year, you owe it to your family to go!  Yes it will be uncomfortable. Yes it will be something you don't want to face.  Yes they will find something odd, and you will have to go for more tests.  But it's better than the alternative!

And speaking of that, make sure you have good term life insurance if you have a family.  And get a will.

And, have a nice day.

29 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No...

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Buy Cheap Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No... Black Friday Lowest price

Happy 2011 Thanksgiving Sales & Bestselling Save on Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No... & Free Shipping. What Is The Best Brand Of Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No... Bestdeals

Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No...

Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No...

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(Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC

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Buy Cheap (Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC Black Friday Review

Happy 2011 Black Friday Sales & Discount Price on (Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC & Free Shipping. Cheapest Place to Buy (Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC Lowes price

(Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC

Product Brand : AMS

(Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC

Looking for the Cheapest Price (Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC Now is it?. Best Buy Thanksgiving Sale 2011 & Black Friday Sales.

(Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC Features

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(Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC Overviews

Easy viewing of sample fill ensures accurate results. Uses only 0.6 microliters of blood. Custom shape for easy handling. 6-month open shelf life. For use with Ascensia ® Contour ™ meter.

==>> CLICK for (Box of 50) Bayer's Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips Part No. 7080 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC Free Shipping and Special Price<<==

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