30 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

14 months after: progress report

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Last week, I had my 1 year checkup with my cardiologist, following an echocardiogram and stress test. The stress test was interesting, and I got to really work my heart while they took EKG, blood pressure, and imaged my heart before and after to see where muscles were strong and weak.  I have the reports here and made sure I knew what they meant.
The good news is good:
  • My heart is in great shape
  • I can work out at pretty high intensities, and am OK'd to go for it
  • My cholesterol has really turned around in the last year
  • The Doc has no major concerns

The bad news is not that bad:
  • I have to stay on all of my meds, including the beta blocker Atenolol.  This has some interesting side effects, including lowering my max heart rate, and encouraging weight gain.
  • The lowered heart rate limits my max exertion in the gym, but I'm adapting to it.
  • My weight is up, about 15 pounds since I started the beta blockers. I'm not the picture of post-cardiac health that I wanted to be.
So I know what I need to do this year:
  • Keep it up at the gym - high aerobic and anaerobic workouts to burn fat and built muscle
  • Cut back on the calories and start to reign in the waistline.

Before the cardiologist appointment, I studied up on all of the medications.  It felt like cramming for an exam, but I really understood his discussion and I knew why he kept me on the medications.
Here's my Christmas wish:  Everyone should get the present of being present with their loved ones.  I saw two people close to my age both die suddenly of heart failure this fall.  It literally can happen to anyone with little warning.  So do these things:
  • Get checked up.  Cholesterol, stress and other conditions can be managed to lower your risk.
  • Love the ones you're with.  Sad to say, but you or they could be taken tomorrow.
  • Be prepared. Have a will. Know the warning signs.  Don't be Superman (/woman).

Sorry to be a downer, but I have to use my Round 2 for good.  Make a resolution to get checked up, and hit the gym for some heart-healthy stress-busting sweat-generating fun!
Happy Holidays!

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