30 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

Still, Stayin' Alive

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It's been a bit since I posted on the heart blog.  I've been crazy busy at work and with my photography business.

I have been staying on my medicine and extras (Omega 3 and 6 supplements).  We'll see how my September blood work turns out.

I have hit the gym 2-3 days per week all year.  It's a bit lighter now, but hopefully I can keep it up.  I really need to burn some more calories or cut back on the intake to lower the body weight.

So dear readers, try to eat right, get a lot of exercise, and keep taking your medicine.  And if you haven't been in for a checkup in the last year, you owe it to your family to go!  Yes it will be uncomfortable. Yes it will be something you don't want to face.  Yes they will find something odd, and you will have to go for more tests.  But it's better than the alternative!

And speaking of that, make sure you have good term life insurance if you have a family.  And get a will.

And, have a nice day.

Heart Health: 6 months after medicine

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I just got my blood work back from my September labs.
Here is the March values:
Lipid panel:   cholesterol, total               173  mg/dl         <200    (GOOD!)   HDL cholesterol               37  mg/dl            >39    (CLOSE!)   cholesterol/hdl ratio           4.68                 <5.00 (GOOD!)   LDL cholesterol, calculated   (can not be calculated when thetriglyceride exceeds 400 mg/dl).   triglyceride                        712  mg/dl         <150>(BAD!)
Here is my September Values:
Lipid panel:   cholesterol, total               153  mg/dl         <200    (20 pts improvement)   HDL cholesterol                 50  mg/dl            >39    (13 pts improvement)   cholesterol/hdl ratio           3.06                 <5.00    (50% improvement)   LDL cholesterol, calculated   76                   <100     (good)
   triglyceride                        133  mg/dl         <150    (nearly 600 pt reduction!)
Clearly, the cholesterol meds, Omega 3/6 and food/exercise have worked!  
The reduction in triglycerides is amazing.
So, thanks to medicine (mostly) and lifestyle (somewhat), 
I have some really good lipids.
The Tricor, Simvastatin and Atenolol were a bit tough to get in balance, 
but they worked out fine in the end. 
The bad news is that my Glucose is 96 for a healthy range of 65-99, 
and my Hemoglobin A1C, a longer term measure of glucose levels, is 5.7, 
right at the boundary of healthy and risk.  
So I need to continue the weight loss and exercise to keep that in check.
There's hope for me.  
Now, get your butt out there and get a lipid profile.  
It takes 5 minutes at a lab.  Do It!  

Happy Birthday to Me!

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I turned 1 today...not a birthday but a rebirth day.  One year ago I got rebooted 3 times, received stents in my artery, and started life over again.  I haven't missed a dose of meds yet, my cholesterol is good, and last week I ran 19 miles, including 2 high-intensity sprint workouts.  Yes, I need to drop 20 lbs and be better with food and drink...but I'm doing much better than a year ago.

So I made it out of the tough part.  You...reader...have you held up your side?  Do you know your cholesterol?  Do you get out of the car/couch often enough, and get your heart rate up?  It is not hard once you start.  Do it!

14 months after: progress report

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Last week, I had my 1 year checkup with my cardiologist, following an echocardiogram and stress test. The stress test was interesting, and I got to really work my heart while they took EKG, blood pressure, and imaged my heart before and after to see where muscles were strong and weak.  I have the reports here and made sure I knew what they meant.
The good news is good:
  • My heart is in great shape
  • I can work out at pretty high intensities, and am OK'd to go for it
  • My cholesterol has really turned around in the last year
  • The Doc has no major concerns

The bad news is not that bad:
  • I have to stay on all of my meds, including the beta blocker Atenolol.  This has some interesting side effects, including lowering my max heart rate, and encouraging weight gain.
  • The lowered heart rate limits my max exertion in the gym, but I'm adapting to it.
  • My weight is up, about 15 pounds since I started the beta blockers. I'm not the picture of post-cardiac health that I wanted to be.
So I know what I need to do this year:
  • Keep it up at the gym - high aerobic and anaerobic workouts to burn fat and built muscle
  • Cut back on the calories and start to reign in the waistline.

Before the cardiologist appointment, I studied up on all of the medications.  It felt like cramming for an exam, but I really understood his discussion and I knew why he kept me on the medications.
Here's my Christmas wish:  Everyone should get the present of being present with their loved ones.  I saw two people close to my age both die suddenly of heart failure this fall.  It literally can happen to anyone with little warning.  So do these things:
  • Get checked up.  Cholesterol, stress and other conditions can be managed to lower your risk.
  • Love the ones you're with.  Sad to say, but you or they could be taken tomorrow.
  • Be prepared. Have a will. Know the warning signs.  Don't be Superman (/woman).

Sorry to be a downer, but I have to use my Round 2 for good.  Make a resolution to get checked up, and hit the gym for some heart-healthy stress-busting sweat-generating fun!
Happy Holidays!

The Lipid Profile - 1 year after meds

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I have my lipids tested every 6 months now. Here are the last three together. You can see a marked improvement in all of the key indicators over the 12 months. The HDL is higher, the LDL is lower, the the Triglycerides are way down from the original.  That's the Tricor doing its stuff. It looks like I still need to work on the Tri's, and my weight is creeping up. Much of that is diet related - I don't watch what I eat and drink as much as I should.

Here are my March 2010 values:

Lipid panel:                         Value                Good:    Comments   cholesterol, total               173  mg/dl         <200    (GOOD!)   HDL cholesterol               37  mg/dl            >39    (CLOSE!)   cholesterol/hdl ratio           4.68                 <5.00 (GOOD!)   LDL cholesterol, calculated   (can not be calculated when thetriglyceride exceeds 400 mg/dl).   triglyceride                        712  mg/dl         <150 (BAD!)
Here are my September 2010 Values:
Lipid panel:   cholesterol, total               153  mg/dl         <200    (20 pts improvement)   HDL cholesterol                 50  mg/dl            >39    (13 pts improvement)   cholesterol/hdl ratio           3.06                 <5.00    (50% improvement)   LDL cholesterol, calculated   76                   <100     (good)
   triglyceride                        133  mg/dl         <150    (nearly 600 pt redux)
Here are my March 2011 Values:Lipid panel:   cholesterol, total               132  mg/dl         <200    (21 pts improvement)   HDL cholesterol                 46  mg/dl            >39    (4 pts drop)   cholesterol/hdl ratio           2.87                 <5.00    (Still lower)   LDL cholesterol, calculated   52                   <100     (good)   triglyceride                        168  mg/dl         <150    (Just over the limit) 
I think if I had shown the first lipid panel to a PCP, they would have instituted a 
change that may have reduced the risk or prevented my heart attack. 
My sister tells me that her Tri's are also high, so there may be some 
genetic contribution.
So if I were you, I would schedule a PCP visit at least once a year, and insist 
on a lipid panel. It will tell you a lot about your heart health!

26 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi

Yesterday's Wicked Weather - some neat pictures

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Reminded us of the movie, "Something Wicked This Way Comes"  It seemed to come out of nowhere and FAST! 

Lost some tree limbs and satellite reception for about an hour, but that was the extent of it.  

Note the light colored tree leaves.... they're flipped around to protect themselves.  (Something that my favorite childhood neighborhood mom, Mrs. Hill, taught me at a young age!)

Agent Orange 'tested in Okinawa' Documents indicate jungle use in 1962

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Thankfully, the VA has been WONDERFUL with Dom..... this is disturbing, though......

Recently, more than 30 U.S. veterans — all of them suffering from diseases consistent with dioxin-exposure — have spoken to The Japan Times about the presence of Agent Orange at 15 military installations in Okinawa, causing widespread alarm that the prefecture remains polluted by notoriously persistent dioxins.The U.S. government has repeatedly denied assistance for these ailing veterans, claiming Agent Orange and similar herbicides were never present in Okinawa. However, the U.S. government still refuses to release large sections of its records related to the defoliant tests it conducted in the 1960s.Jump Here

No Bisphosphonate Superior to Another in Multiple Myeloma

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This updated review concludes that zoledronate (Zometa) appears to be superior to both etidronate (Didronel) and placebo. However, it was not superior to pamidronate (Aredia) or clodronate (Bonefos) for improving overall survival or any other outcome, such as vertebral and nonvertebral fractures.


We were SO HAPPY when they switched Dominic from Aredia to Zometa.  Infusions went from a couple of hours down to about 15 minutes.  Plus, the Aredia left him laying in bed the next day for about the 1st 6 months.

A Stem-Cell-Based Drug Gets Approval in Canada

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The company, Osiris Therapeutics of Columbia, Md., said Thursday that Canadian regulators had approved its drug Prochymal, to treat children suffering fromgraft-versus-host disease, a potentially deadly complication of bone marrow transplantation.“It’s really a good day for the concept and the hope behind stem cell therapies becoming a reality,” C. Randal Mills, the chief executive of Osiris, said in an interview.Prochymal is a preparation of mesenchymal stem cells, which are obtained from the bone marrow of healthy young adult donors. The stem cells are separated out from the marrow and expanded in culture, so that one donation is enough to make as many as 10,000 doses.Because these are adult stem cells, they do not raise the ethical concerns of embryonic stem cells, whose creation usually involves the destruction of human embryos.Graft-versus-host disease occurs when the immune cells in a bone-marrow transplant see the recipient’s organs as foreign and attack them, causing potentially severe damage to the skin, liver and digestive tract. This happens most often when the donor is not an exact match for the recipient.JUMP

Treatments for Multiple Myeloma

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If you've been recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma or have been living with the cancer for a while, you know that there's no one-size-fits-all treatment option. But that's actually good news. There are numerous therapies and medications that can be tailored to your needs.  Whether you're just starting treatment or have experienced a remission and need to re-evaluate your options, it's important to work closely with your doctor. Treatment can vary based on your age, health, symptoms, and other factors.


23 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

Plavix Boy Hates Shaving - And Scores of Interns!

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I have concluded that a regimen including Aspirin, fish oil and Plavix is not conducive to shaving with a razor.

It's not like I bleed profusely, but it takes forever to stop. I'm not really complaining. Worse things have happened to me!

One upside to my heart attack story is that I connected with an executive at GE who has asked me to champion the GE Heart Walk team here in Erie. I'm currently working with a group of energized interns who are doing all kinds of things to raise funds for AHA. They are holding their own cookout, canning (hanging out with a donation box/can), doing a restaurant fund raiser, and holding their own mini-walk. I expect around 200 interns for the walk. These young people are really doing an excelent job in pulling together, being creative, and donating their time and money for this great cause!

Incidentally, to join my Heart Walk team, or to sponsor me, click here.

Still Ticking - and Walking!

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I'm approaching 2 years since my heart attack, and I'm feeling pretty good. I'll have another round of lipid profiles to review soon, but I'm sticking to the medicine regimen and am getting some good exercise.
Walking is a great low impact way to exercise. I am lucky to work in a place that has some great paved walking trails as well as unpaved hiking paths. I get out 3 or more times each week for an hour, and sweat a bit. It feels pretty good!
I'm also coordinating walkers, and walking in the Heart Walk. If you would like to walk with me, or sponsor me, you can click here.  
The details :
Heart Walk – September 17Location: Liberty Park (Erie bayfront)Distance: 3 miles Time: 9AM Register/Photo, 10AM Walk
It's a great way to get healthier, and support the American Heart Association!

Heart Attack + 2 years: Blood Profile Update

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It's been 6 months since my last blood work. I've been doing pretty good with the meds and exercise, and OK on diet. Here are the updates:

Here are my March 2010 values (first ones after the heart attack):

cholesterol, total 173 mg/dl <200 (GOOD!)
HDL cholesterol 37 mg/dl >39 (CLOSE!)
cholesterol/hdl ratio 4.68 <5.00 (GOOD!)
LDL cholesterol, calculated (can not be calculated when the triglyceride exceeds 400 mg/dl).
triglyceride 712 mg/dl <150 (BAD!)

Here are my September 2010 Values:
cholesterol, total 153 mg/dl <200 (20 pts improvement)
HDL cholesterol 50 mg/dl >39 (13 pts improvement)
cholesterol/hdl ratio 3.06 <5.00 (50% improvement)
LDL cholesterol, calculated 76 <100 (good)
triglyceride 133 mg/dl <150 (nearly 600 pt redux)

Here are mySeptember 2011 Values:
cholesterol, total 143 mg/dl <200 (10 pts improvement)
HDL cholesterol 47 mg/dl >39 (3 pts drop)
cholesterol/hdl ratio 3.04 <5.00 (good)
LDL cholesterol, calculated 49 <100 (good)
triglyceride 234 mg/dl <150 (creeping up!)

My LDL's are continuing to go down, so I assume the Statins are doing their job. The Triglycerides are creeping up! I'm on Tricor for that, but it's not keeping up. I see my PCP this week, and we'll see what he says.

On the fundraising front, we just finished the Heart Walk in Erie, and we had a great turnout and raised quite a bit of money for the American Heart Association.

Have you been to see your doctor lately? Have you had blood work done in the last year? If not, ask yourself why. Also think about what the world would be like if you were to die tomorrow of a heart attack, just because you didn't think it was important enough to get checked out.

Remember, I was running 20 miles a week when I had my heart attack in 2009. Don't confuse feeling good for being well. Get checked out!


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I usually feel bad about losing, but I'm feeling good about losing weight!
Partially because of the medication I'm on, and partially because I have been more sedentary lately, my weight crept up. I was getting pretty thick and that was impacting my energy and ability to exercise.
I started on The Atkins Diet in early January and have already lost over 23 pounds. I would like to lose another 20 or so to be in the "not overweight" BMI category. That would be a good birthday present to me when I turn 50 this fall.
This weight management plan is easy for me to follow. I can get good food at most any restaurant, and we eat well at home. I am avoiding all starchy foods, including bread, pasta, pizza, as well as sweet items including many fruits and anything made with sugar. Most meals consist of meat and vegetables, two things that I can really dig into. Any diet that encourages me to eat a Cobb Salad is my kind of plan!
I have a great energy level on this plan, and I am not often hungry. This comes from breaking the insulin cycle that most of us are caught in - you eat carbohydrate-heavy food, your insulin level spikes, and then when it comes down, you feel hungry. Eating low carbohydrate meals breaks that cycle, and you stay satisfied longer from your meals.
The basis of Atkins is that your body switches from burning primarily glucose to burning fat through a process called ketosis. It's a natural way to get your body to consume fat.
I'm also back on the treadmill, and should be getting outside soon as the weather improves. It's a lot easier to work out without that extra 20 or so pounds. I am looking forward to getting back down to "runner weight" and see what a lean, 50 year old John can do!
So what does this have to do with my heart health? I'm on a triglyceride medicine and another pill for cholesterol. I am hoping that both my LDL and Tri's will be much better, and I can start to pull back from so much medication. 
My next lipid profile is in a couple of weeks. I'll post the results here. My bet is that even while eating a high-fat diet, my cholesterol will be much improved.

Healthier Boy Evidenced By Blood Test

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Well, I've been on Atkins for 2 months now, and have lost 26 pounds. My clothes fit better, and I have lots more energy.  I'm doing 20+ miles on the treadmill each week. I still have about 18 pounds to go to move into the BMI "normal" category, and I can see it is all around my gut. So I still have some work to do!
But here's the good news. My blood tests came back and I have the best lipid profile I've ever had. And that's on Atkins, eating eggs, cheese, meat and lots of fats. I do eat a lot of vegetables, and still have wine, but gone from my diet are bread, sugar, pasta, rice, potatoes and basically anything with a lot of carbs. I'm convinced through my research that carbs are the key to Triglycerides, at least with me.
So let's rewind.  Here are my March 2010 values (first ones after the heart attack):

cholesterol, total 173 mg/dl <200 (GOOD!)
HDL cholesterol 37 mg/dl >39 (CLOSE!)
cholesterol/hdl ratio 4.68 <5.00 (GOOD!)
LDL cholesterol, calculated (can not be calculated when the triglyceride exceeds 400 mg/dl).
triglyceride 712 mg/dl <150 (BAD!)

Here are my September 2011 Values (after over a year of drugs, but at 200+ lbs):
cholesterol, total 143 mg/dl <200 (10 pts improvement)
HDL cholesterol 47 mg/dl >39 (3 pts drop)
cholesterol/hdl ratio 3.04 <5.00 (good)
LDL cholesterol, calculated 49 <100 (good)
triglyceride 234 mg/dl <150 (creeping up!)
And here are my March 2012 Values:
cholesterol, total 143 mg/dl <200 (10 pts improvement)
HDL cholesterol 56 mg/dl >39 (9 pts raise, good)
cholesterol/hdl ratio 2.55 <5.00 (good)
LDL cholesterol, calculated 69 <100 (good)
triglyceride 90 mg/dl <150 (great!)
This is a fasting lipid profile. But here's what I had the day before:- A 3-egg and cheese omelet for lunch- Shrimp salad for supper- And red wine
I'm still on a Statin for LDL, and a Fenofibrate for the Triglycerides, and you can see they are working quite well in combination with my weight and diet and exercise plan.
The LDL went up a bit, which was predicted with my diet. But HDL also went up and Triglycerides went way down, also predicted with someone on Atkins.
Can I do better? You bet. I am shifting more of my meat/cheese to lower saturated fats, and using more of the "good" fats. And as I continue to lose weight, I assume that my cholesterol and BP will improve.
My message to you all is the same: Check your Lipids at least one a year. And make sure you understand what they tell you and how to change your lifestyle or medical treatment to address them.

17 Mayıs 2012 Perşembe

Yesterday's Wicked Weather - some neat pictures

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Reminded us of the movie, "Something Wicked This Way Comes"  It seemed to come out of nowhere and FAST! 

Lost some tree limbs and satellite reception for about an hour, but that was the extent of it.  

Note the light colored tree leaves.... they're flipped around to protect themselves.  (Something that my favorite childhood neighborhood mom, Mrs. Hill, taught me at a young age!)

More Revlimid Info

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Studies found lenalidomide lengthened time disease did not worsen, but risk of second cancers was doubled

WEDNESDAY, May 9 (HealthDay News) -- Three new studies confirm that the drug lenalidomide can significantly lengthen the time that people with multiple myeloma experience no worsening of their disease, either after having a stem cell transplant or getting chemotherapy.                                   -SNIP-The most significant and concerning side effect was an increased risk of a second cancer. In all three studies, the rate of second cancers was more than doubled in people taking lenalidomide. Low white blood cell counts were also more commonly associated with lenalidomide therapy.JUMP

Special Report: Still Fighting (AGENT ORANGE)

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In 1962, the United States started spraying Vietnam with a powerful defoliant known as 'Agent Orange.'Fighting in the Vietnam War ended in 1975, but even today, many veterans of that war are still battling health problems they believe were caused by the chemicals."If you was in Vietnam, out in the field, you were exposed to Agent Orange, or to the chemical," Irby said. "This big old plane would come over and this sticky stuff like on you. You didn't think nothing about it. All we know a couple of days the leaves was gone," Carruthers said.These men returned home thinking they had escaped the war. "I thought that was the end of it. You know, come back to the states and just pick up where I left off. But it didn't turn out that way," Lastinger, an Army Vietnam Veteran from 1967, said.No one is sure how many Vietnam War vets are still alive, but some veteran group studies have estimated less than half. The Veteran's Administration says all the disease problems these men face are presumptive to exposure to the dioxin in Agent Orange.JUMP

Making Chemical Giants Happy at Our Expense

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Thanks to the blessings of nature and good farmers, you and I can enjoy such scrumptious delights as fresh corn-on-the-cob, popcorn and many other variations of this truly great grain. And now, thanks to Dow Chemical and federal regulators, we can look forward to “Agent Orange Corn.”

The chemical giant is in line to gain approval for putting a genetically altered corn seed on the market that will produce corn plants that won’t die when doused with high levels of 2,4-D.
This potent pesticide was an ingredient in Dow’s notorious Agent Orange defoliant, which did such extensive and horrific damage to soldiers and civilians in the Vietnam War. However, the corporation and the feds claim that 2,4-D was not the deadliest ingredient of the killer defoliant and has not yet been proven to cause cancer in humans, so they’re pressing ahead to let this corporate-constructed seed be planted across America.JUMP

Agent Orange 'tested in Okinawa' Documents indicate jungle use in 1962

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Thankfully, the VA has been WONDERFUL with Dom..... this is disturbing, though......

Recently, more than 30 U.S. veterans — all of them suffering from diseases consistent with dioxin-exposure — have spoken to The Japan Times about the presence of Agent Orange at 15 military installations in Okinawa, causing widespread alarm that the prefecture remains polluted by notoriously persistent dioxins.The U.S. government has repeatedly denied assistance for these ailing veterans, claiming Agent Orange and similar herbicides were never present in Okinawa. However, the U.S. government still refuses to release large sections of its records related to the defoliant tests it conducted in the 1960s.Jump Here

13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier from Work Out Warehouse.com

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Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier from Work Out Warehouse.com - Consumer: Those concerned with getting in good physical shape, those who are concerned with cardio-vascular strength and health and dieters who are seeking intense physical exercise for weight control.

The purpose of the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier is to provide a total body workout and burn calories at an extremely increased rate.

Pros: The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier simulates snow skiing without the cold or the need for warm clothing. It provides a total body workout while shaping the legs, hips, thighs and buttocks as well as the upper-body muscles. The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier provides an excellent cardio-vascular workout.

The adjustable flywheel allows for seven resistance levels as strength increases, as well.

Cons: There are no particular cons associated with the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier. I do find the $99.00 shipping charge a bit high - but then again, it is a large product.

Guarantee: Work Out Warehouse offers a 30-day money back guarantee less shipping both ways. The price of the equipment plus the tax will be refunded after the customer gets a return authorization from the Work Out Warehouse and the equipment has been returned. Most of the equipment sold by Work Out Ware House carries a manufacturer's guarantee that is at least 90 days and most are longer.

Value for money: The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier is an excellent value for those concerned with physical and cardio-vascular strength. The sale price of the Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier makes it an exceptional value.

NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper from Workout Warehouse.com

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NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper from Workout Warehouse.com - Consumer: Those who are trying to get into good physical condition or those who are dieting and looking for a way to achieve the exercise they need at home.

The purpose of the NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper is to provide exercise for toning and shaping buns, thighs and calves, as well as, a cardio-vascular workout.

Pros: The NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper provides the best workout for buns, thighs and calves ever! The four built in workout programs are just great. The built in fans (Coolaire) are a big help as are the cardio grip pulse sensors.

The payment program makes it possible for almost anybody to be able to own a NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper because the payments are only $25.00 per month.

Work Out Warehouse is a very easy company to deal with.

Cons: There are no cons associated with the NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper. It is an excellent product except that the shipping charges do seem a bit excessive.

Guarantee: Work Out Warehouse offers a 30-day money back guarantee less shipping both ways. The price of the equipment plus the tax will be refunded after the customer gets a return authorization from the Work Out Warehouse and the equipment has been returned. Most of the equipment sold by Work Out Ware House carries a manufacturer's guarantee that is at least 90 days and most are longer.

Value for money: The NordicTrack MTN 740 Stepper is an excellent value for the dollar especially at the sale price of $599.00.


Blink Sylva from Zappos.com

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Consumer: Women

The purpose of the Blink Sylva is to provide women with a casual shoe that will be appropriate for many casual social gatherings and be comfortable to wear.

Pros: The Blink Sylva is so cool and just so darn cute! It has a definite nautical look that you will just love. The Blink Sylva is a little crocheted skimmer that will add so much versatility to your shoe wardrobe.

The Blink Sylva features a crocheted fabric upper with a woven raffia trim around the mid-sole. The woven raffia trim is a natural color and compliments the woven upper no matter whether you choose the chili red, the black, or the white. The outer sole is made of rubber which adds some stability. There is only very light padding in the foot bed, which means that the shoe is very lightweight.

You will really love the versatility that this little crocheted skimmer allows you. The Blink Sylva is a must-have addition to the shoe wardrobe of every discerning woman.

Cons: The Blink Sylva is available only in medium width and in only three sizes. The sizes run very small. You will need to order a full size larger than you normally wear.

Guarantee: The guarantee on the website reads in part, “If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, we will be happy to accept a return for a full refund.” Free return shipping is included. Additionally, there is a low-price guarantee as well as a safe shopping guarantee.

Value for money: The Blink Sylva is a very good value in a casual shoe.


Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals from FootSmart.com

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Consumer: Women

The purpose of the Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals is to provide comfortable, cool, casual footwear for active women.

Pros: The Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals are a blend of running shoes and sandals that works. The easy comfort of a good running shoe is combined with the openness of a sandal to provide the ultimate in cool and "way cool" comfort and versatility. The Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals is easily taken off and put on with the oh-so-neat pull closure.

The upper parts of the Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals are constructed of soft, flexible nubuck while the sole is that of a good running shoe, making them both cool as well as easy on the feet, legs, back, and hips. What more could you ask for? The shoes have the very open look of a sandal, but the toe is closed for maximum protection for the very active woman. This will be a long-wearing shoe that you will love!

Cons: The only con that I can find associated with the Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals is that they come in only one width, medium or B.

Guarantee: The guarantee on the FootSmart website reads in part: “Everything you buy from us is backed by our 120 Day – 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.  If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return it within 120 days for any reason and your product total will be refunded (unfortunately we cannot refund shipping and order processing fees).  Please remember, though, that footwear products, such as shoes, must be returned in their original, unworn condition, and in their original boxes.”

Value for money: The Clarks Privo Joyner Womens Sandals are a very good value for active women.


"Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons" from FootSmart.com

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"Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons" from FootSmart.com - Consumer: Women

The purpose of the Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons is to provide women with a casual shoe that is easy to wear and comfortable for casual settings.

Pros: The Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons are so cute and so comfortable that you are going to want a pair in each of the four colors in which they are available, so that you will have a pair to match every summer outfit. The Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons come in cool colors -- pink/white, white/light blue, navy/lime, and black/lime.

The Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons are so comfortable that you will feel less stress and be able to keep going and going and going. The Easy Spirit Fitness Air system lets air circulate within the shoe and that keeps your feet feeling cool and dry. The soles are made of a non-slip material that will keep you sure-footed. The lightweight construction makes the Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons suitable for some light athletic activities, as well.

Cons: The only problem that I can see with the Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons is that I want a pair in every color!

Guarantee: The guarantee on the FootSmart website reads in part: “Everything you buy from us is backed by our 120 Day – 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.  If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return it within 120 days for any reason and your product total will be refunded (unfortunately we cannot refund shipping and order processing fees).  Please remember, though, that footwear products, such as shoes, must be returned in their original, unworn condition, and in their original boxes.”

Value for money: The Easy Spirit Womens Instep Slip Ons are an excellent value for fashion-conscious women.

Rabbit Moc by Barbo from Masseys.com

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Consumer: Women

The purpose of the Rabbit Moc by Barbo is to provide women with cozy comfort for their feet on cold winter evenings.

Pros: The lovely Rabbit Moc by Barbo is a must-have shoe for every woman who hates cold feet, especially her own cold feet. The Rabbit Moc by Barbo is constructed of soft suede leather with fleecy pile lining. Just thinking about the softness and warmth makes my feet feel warmer.

The Rabbit Moc by Barbo have a silky rabbit fur collar that adds so much style! The outer sole is made of suede leather that will simply last and last. The Rabbit Moc by Barbo is available in three beautiful colors, black, red, and sailor (blue). They come only in whole sizes, but they are true sizes. If you usually wear a half size, simply order the next larger size. Slippers with a little wiggle room are certainly more comfortable.

The color of the rabbit fur collar on the Rabbit Moc by Barbo varies because it is all natural. The colors are mostly gray and white, but there might be a little brown or tan as well.

Cons: There really aren’t any particular cons associated with the Rabbit Moc by Barbo, except that the fur is real rabbit fur and there are those who do object to the use of animal fur.

Guarantee: There is a guarantee of satisfaction. The guarantee posted on the website reads in part, “Naturally we want you to be totally pleased with every product you purchase from us, so if it becomes necessary to return it for a refund or exchange, we want you to be just as pleased with that process as well.” There are two methods for returns offered. Find more info at: http://www.masseys.com/customer.asp

Value for money: The Rabbit Moc by Barbo is a very good value and will keep the feet of a lady toasty warm on a cold winter night.

Rockport Fast Approach from Zappos.com

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Consumer: Men

The purpose of the Rockport Fast Approach loafers is to provide comfortable but stylish casual footwear for men.

Pros: The Rockport Fast Approach loafers are so cool! They have the look of a moccasin, but they have the sole (soul) of a loafer. They are cool but they are also very practical casual footwear, and they are completely washable! Casual shoes are worn in casual settings like back yard barbeques and on camping trips, and because the settings are casual, "stuff" happens. Drinks get overturned, sandwiches drip, and casual shoes get stained and looking old before their time. The Rockport Fast Approach loafers can just be tossed right into the washing machine and come out looking as good as new. After they are air-dried, people will think you have a whole closet full of casual shoes at your disposal.

The Rockport Fast Approach loafers are true to size and true to width, and they provide excellent arch support.

Cons: Although the Rockport Fast Approach loafers are washable, they must be air-dried and cannot be put into a clothes dryer. Because of the material, drying will take quite some time.

Guarantee: The guarantee on the website reads in part, “If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, we will be happy to accept a return for a full refund.” Free return shipping is included. Additionally, there is a low-price guarantee as well as a safe shopping guarantee.

Value for money: The Rockport Fast Approach is a quality product and an excellent value.


Ultimate Acne Relief from Acne Skin Relief.com

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Consumer: Acne sufferers

The purpose of the Ultimate Acne Relief ebook is to provide information and instruction for those who suffer with acne.

Pros: The Ultimate Acne Relief ebook is for teenagers (girls and boys) and for men and women of all ages who suffer from acne. Included with the purchase of the Ultimate Acne Relief ebook are four bonus ebooks that most people will find very helpful as well. The four bonus ebooks are; Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, 17 Hollywood Diets, 97 Ways to Get Fit and Stay Fit, and 225 Bath – Face – and Body Recipes.

The Ultimate Acne Relief ebook discusses such issues as acne and diet, acne and skin care products, acne and hygiene, and acne and shaving. The Ultimate Acne Relief ebook is written in layman’s terms rather than medical jargon so it is very easy to read, and it contains a great deal of helpful information for acne sufferers of all ages. The information is presented in a very easy-to-read manner.

Cons: The Ultimate Acne Relief is a very good ebook but there really isn’t any new information offered.

Guarantee: There is a 100% guarantee of satisfaction offered by Acne Skin Relief.

Value for money: The Ultimate Acne Relief ebook appears to be a very good value and with all of the added free bonuses, it becomes an excellent value.


Aspen Jacket by X-treme Tek

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Women, and men who shop for gifts for women

The purpose of the Aspen Jacket by X-treme Tek is to provide warmth with style to plus size women.

Pros: Cold weather makes me think of the color gray. I would never wear gray in the cold weather months just because I don’t think anybody could see me. I’d blend right into the background. :) I really love the Aspen Jacket by X-treme Tek. The Aspen Jacket by X-treme Tek is available in three colors -- cream, black, and what they call demitasse, a dark rich brown. There is no gray!

The Aspen Jacket by X-treme Tek is as soft as a kitten, yet unbelievably warm. The outside of the jacket is quilted polyester. The inside is faux fur and there is a filling of down, so the jacket is pillow-soft.

The Aspen Jacket by X-treme Tek boasts additional details like a neat zip front, a mock neck collar, and two handy front hand pockets.

Cons: Avenue.com does not ship internationally. It ships only within the United States and its territories. This is a bit limiting for those who shop for family and friends who live outside the United States. You would have to have the merchandise delivered to your home address and then ship it overseas yourself.

Guarantee: There is a 60-day guarantee of satisfaction offered by Avenue.com. It is recommended that you insure the return package.

Value for money: The Aspen Jacket by X-treme Tek is a really beautiful jacket that will serve well. It is a good value.


Ester-C 500 mg. with Citrus Bioflavonoids

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Those shopping for vitamins and health supplements

The purpose of the Ester-C 500 mg. with Citrus Bioflavonoids is to help build the body’s immune system and prevent disease.

Pros: The best way to prevent getting the common cold, so we are told, is to keep regular hours, get our rest, eat right, drink plenty of liquids and stay out of crowds. Those are really good ideas, and we all would do that everyday if we could. Unfortunately, life interrupts. We all skip meals and have sleep and routine interruptions. How can anybody avoid a crowd? The answer is to give our immune systems a boost with Vitamin C, and Ester-C 500 mg. with Citrus Bioflavonoids is the best way to do it.

Ester-C is the most advanced form of Vitamin C available today. It has been especially designed to absorb more quickly so you can get the maximum benefits of vitamin C very quickly. Ester C with calcium and bioflavanoids vitamin C is absorbed 400 times faster than regular Vitamin C.

Cons: The products on the Vitamin World website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and they are provided to you as a resource only. This is true of all vitamin and supplement merchants. The Ester-C 500 mg. with Citrus Bioflavonoids product seems to be a very good product, and one that will deliver what it promises.

Guarantee: There is a guarantee of satisfaction offered. You may return the unused portion of a product for a refund for the unused portion.

Value for money: At the regular price, the Ester-C 500 mg. with Citrus Bioflavonoids would be a good value. At the sale price, this becomes an excellent value.